New Planter Spotlight: Josh Floyd
The Floyd Family
How have you seen God working in your life?
The biggest way I've seen the Lord working in my life over this past year is in dealing with my idol of performance and looking like I have it all together. I gave a talk on a men's retreat a year ago and it absolutely bombed. It was so bad it actually threw me into the grief cycle. I realized how I was finding my identity in how well I spoke and could deliver a message rather in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross on my behalf. It has been an incredibly humbling yet very blessed journey over the past year drinking deeply more and more from the fountain of grace.
How have you seen God working in your family?
Seeing my wife, Liz, continue to grow in grace has been such a blessing. Being a stay at home mom of four little kids, and keeping the house clean, cooking meals, running kids to school and back, washing and folding all the clothes, hosting launch team meetings and being a supportive church planter wife is a full time, often times thankless and unpaid job! And she does it as unto the Lord! My faith has been increased by watching how she clings to the Lord in everything she does. It has also be great watching my young children grasp the gospel, understand who Jesus is and what he has done for us, and a desire to pray and be in God's word.
How have you seen God working in your church?
We have not launched yet but I have seen God work both in our mother church, Trinity in Lakeland, and in our small launch team that is getting ready to start Grace Community on the north side of Lakeland. People who have been sitting on the sidelines for years in church are wanting to throw in, use their gifts, serve and tithe like never before. People have gone from not knowing the names of their neighbors to befriending them, inviting them to our new church and praying for their salvation. People are coming alive to the biblical implications of living in authentic community like they never have before. People who are de-churched or un-churched are telling us they plan on coming to our church because of the individual and personal invites they are receiving from our launch team. God is so good!
Church Mission
To be a church where people know Jesus through worship and biblical preaching, grow in Jesus through authentic community and personal practices and go with Jesus where he calls us to serve and surrender.
Church Vision
Grace Community Church exists to be a blessing - where we live, work and play - in North Lakeland and beyond all to the glory of God.
We hope to impact our context in North Lakeland by providing a grace-based, gospel-centered PCA church in a city that is predominantly peppered with works-based, legalistic churches that do not preach the gospel (sadly). And North Lakeland does not have a PCA church.
We are trying to reach the lost, those who have been de-churched or un-churched. Success looks like remaining true to the gospel of Jesus Christ as presented in the infallible Scriptures of the OT and NT, befriend and meeting needs of the people in our community who the Lord lays on our hearts and brings to this community of believers, and we prayerfully hope to be self-sustaining in three years. We believe we will be bearing fruit as people are growing in the walk with Christ and more and more people are coming to faith in Jesus, we are growing in numbers and plan on planting a church in 7-10 years. We hope the school in which we are meeting in is blessed by us being there and more and more families come to faith in Jesus through our presence and care to this community. We also pray that our city is blessed by our presence.
If you would like to reach out to Josh, you can visit the church's website at