New Planter Spotlight: Brian Sullivan
The Sullivan Family
Brian Sullivan
How have you seen God working in your life?
God is growing in me a deeper appreciation and awareness of his faithfulness, which leads to greater contentment in Christ. God is always faithful (1 Corinthians 1:9), so the issue isn't with him, it's with me seeing and believing his faithfulness. So often my heart can drift to worry - about the church, our family, finances, people, etc. - but the gospel reminds me that the power is in Jesus being faithful for me. There have been numerous times over the past year of planting CrossPointe Jupiter that I can reflect on and see God's faithfulness. This reflection has been a healthy practice for me. I often stop and praise him for the ways he has been, is and will be faithful. This discipline has helped cultivate more and more a heart of trust, rest, joy and celebration of Jesus and his faithfulness.
"Now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant...but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope." Hebrews 3:5-6
How have you seen God working in your family?
We knew leaving a church community that we helped plant would be challenging. The people of CrossPointe Winter Park loved and cared for us so well. This was the only church our children had ever known. Moving into an area where we didn't have many Christ-centered relationships forced us to lean more heavily into Christ and one another as a family. While planting has had a lot of challenges, it has also been sweet as we have sought to be intentional with our family time, but also with others as we invite them to be a part of the church. My relationship with my wife Corrina has also strengthened as we have gone through this church planting process together. We are one another's biggest cheerleader and encourager through both the celebrations and the struggles.
We are grateful for God's faithfulness to build his church and to bring Christ-centered relationships into our lives to support, encourage and care for our family.
How have you seen God working in your church?
Jesus is faithful to build his church (Matthew 16:18) and he provides. While we have sought to be faithful in what Jesus calls us to - missional living, making disciples, prayer, proclamation of his word and loving others - it has been so impactful to see how Christ has worked and is working. To look at the people who have connected in community, the meaningful friendships he's brought, meeting our financial needs both as a church and personally, places to gather at just the right time -- over and over God has been faithful and provided. This has changed me in that I regularly look back and celebrate what he has done. This gives me great peace in the present as I trust that he will continue to build and provide now. This gets me excited about the future to see how he will continue to build his church as we seek to point this community to Jesus.
Church Mission
The mission of CrossPointe is to point our community to Jesus Christ.
As this happens, we will see our vision of our "community being informed and transformed by the power of the gospel for the glory of God" realized.
As the GOSPEL continues to work in us individually and collectively as a church, we believe that it will radically transform the contours and fabric of our lives individually, communally and culturally.
Our prayer is that we would see people move:
From Suppression to CELEBRATION (Romans 1:18-23)
It is clear from the scriptures that we are not spiritually neutral. We desire to help people move from suppressing God's truth into a full-blown celebration of God’s truth.
From Distraction to CONNECTION (Matthew 13:18-23)
The affluence of our community offers much opportunity for distraction. Connection is about being cut to the heart and repenting of our idolatry - our love of lesser things - and helping people connect their story to God's story.
From Isolation to COMMUNITY (Acts 2:42-47)
Busy schedules coupled with an individualistic culture create a situation that is ripe for isolation. We will seek to live lives in authentic community.
From Consumption to CONTRIBUTION (Mathew 28:18-20)
Perhaps the dominant narrative of our Western culture is one of consumption. However, the true narrative of the Bible tells us that we were made as contributors, as stewards. This has implications on how people utilize their time, talent, and treasure.
If you would like to reach out to Brian, you can visit the church's website at