New Planter Spotlight: Craig Harris
Craig Harris
How have you seen God working in your life?
One of the biggest ways that God has been at work in my life is by teaching me that I don't need to earn his affection. I already have it as I'm united to Christ. This has been a life long lesson for me as I battle through fear of failure, and thinking that God's love is conditional. But the more I have learned to trust the grace and love of God, the more I have been able to show it to others. It has changed my life and continues to change my life.
How have you seen God working in your family?
As we have stepped out in planting we have always emphasized it as a family calling. It has been really neat to see my wife and 4 young children find ways to serve the church by using their unique gifts and talents.
How have you seen God working in your church?
God has been bringing together a diverse community that is growing in their own knowledge of the gospel and applying it in their daily lives. One of the more tangible things is seeing our people learn to pray and trust God. As a community we have prayed for specific things and have seen them happen. It has been a great encouragement towards more prayer.
Church Mission & Vision
The mission of Saint Andrew's Presbyterian Church is to introduce people to Jesus as we love God, make disciples, serve Yakima and multiply the church. Our hope is that our neighbors meet Jesus because meeting Jesus has changed our lives, and we believe it will change our neighbors lives too. This vision begins with our weekly worship. From there it extends into a life of discipleship as we do life together. One practical thing we do in this is we are starting a school so that we can train our children up in the gospel. Worship and discipleship always extend to our neighbors as well. Success for us is faithfulness. We can't control the harvest, but we can worship God, pray, and love our neighbors, so if we are doing these things we are successful.
For further information please contact Craig at
The Harris Family