New Planter Spotlight: Melo Savual
Melo Savual
How have you seen God working in your life?
Every time I consider the work of the Holy Spirit in my life and how much my life has been changed by the Gospel, I am filled with gratitude because of the kindness of God! Although I would profess faith in Christ when I was growing up, I never really had a relationship with him. Not only that, but I struggled with my identity and trying to make a “name for myself” in order to feel like I mattered in this world. This was expressed most clearly in my pursuit of a Hip Hop career as a young teen, followed by a reckless life of hypocrisy and people pleasing that influenced every decision I made. However, after being saved through faith in the work Jesus on my behalf, God has slowly transformed me and has given me new desires that I thought I would have in a million years! Church planting is certainly one of them. I have seen God change me in increasing measure from finding my identity in being known by people, to finding my identity in who I am in Christ. Now I want to give the rest of my life to making Jesus known, to as many people as possible through preaching the Gospel!
How have you seen God working in your family?
My family has been one of the greatest gifts of God to me. One of the things that I believe is the work of the Holy Spirit in my marriage is the alignment between my wife Nicole and I and our call to ministry. We both recognize the weightiness of the call to Church Planting and are aware that it will not be without it’s fair share of suffering. However, we are both equally excited about the journey and both feel called. On top of this, it is encouraging to see our 3 young children embrace the call as well. They are always asking if we are having our launch team come over as they enjoy our gathering times, and they are becoming more and more fluent in being able clearly articulate the Gospel! Even their prayers are maturing as they pray for others and themselves. This is such a great joy to witness. Meanwhile my wife and I are drawing closer together, when the difficulty and stresses of ministry often tends to pull some relationships apart. I believe this is the work of the Holy Spirit as we continue to abide in Jesus.
How have you seen God working in your church?
It's one thing to read Matthew 16:18 where Jesus says that he will build his church, but it's another thing to actually believe it. Church planting has revealed much of my inadequacies and weaknesses, which has led me to a deeper trust in the strength that only God can provide. That being said, as I consider the unexpected ways that God is providing for us, the people that we never thought would ever join us, and the encouragement and support from others that want to see One Family Church plant well, I am growing in my clarity that Christ is the one who builds his church. Our team is growing in number and in commitment. It is a great joy to not feel like I have to chase people down to help with the needs of ministry, but many people are asking what they can do to serve. This is a great blessing to us! As we get ready to launch One Family Church this September, we are spending much our time not only setting the foundation and exception for our team to be sharing the Gospel as much as possible in our city, but also growing together as a family. I believe that the Church is not like a family, it is family, and I am confident that our team feels this way about each other. I thank God for this!
Church Mission & Vision
Vision Statement: We want to see strangers of God become members of his household in Orlando and around the world! This vision for the city Orlando really comes from the beautiful reality of what Jesus has accomplished through his death burial and resurrection, found in Ephesians 2:17-22 And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God bye the Spirit. This is our hope for Orlando. I find it to be a beautiful truth that once we put our faith in Jesus we are not just saved from something, but we are saved into something. That is into the family of God. Therefore, we must be clear about our mission. Our Mission Statement is as follows: To Glorify God and Expand His Family, by Making Disciples!
For further information please contact Melo at
The Savual Family